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How To Choose a Jammer

来源: 作者: 发布日期:2024-03-26 访问次数:27
Before choosing a jammer, it is advisable to take into consideration a few factors:

The frequencies of the devices we care to block.
The output power of the device we want to jam.
The output power the jammer ought to have.
The distance covered by the jammer.
Whether the power source is a battery or through direct-current.
The amount of time the jammer needs to be in operation for, and its pertaining cooling system.
Let’s examine in detail the importance of each point.

1. The frequencies used by the jammer we need to jam:
In order to jam a device, one should first consider the frequencies used by the device itself. Only then, can we lay our eyes on the product we intend to purchase.

2. The output power of the device we intend to nullify:
Depending on the output power of the device, one should buy a jammer that has greater output power, so as to block the radio transmission of the device.

3. The output power the jammer needs:
This is a fundamental point, because, in order to cover a certain area or to jam a specific device, you should first know the output power a jammer features.

4. The distance a jammer should cover:
It is very important to know the environment we need to cover. The more the Watts of a jammer, the more the distance covered, as opposed to a jammer with less wattage.

5. Direct-current, battery, or both?
Another important factor that needs to be considered is to know whether the area, in which the jammer will be installed, has a direct current plug. In absence of which, the device must clearly be battery-powered.

6. The amount of time the jammer has to be in operation for and its relative cooling system:
The cooling system is the most underrated factor when choosing a jamming device. The latter is not an error to overlook: without a proper cooling system, the jammer will encounter 3 main issues:

After some time, the quality of the performance will drop exponentially. Its temperature will start to increase, therefore permanently damaging its components.

The lifetime of the device will be muc

上一文章:What is the approximate distance for countermeasures?
